Monday, March 17.

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  • Attraction

    Dalhousie Attraction - Bhuri Singh Museum Chamba

    Bhuri Singh Museum is a poploue tourist destination in  Chamba valley, which houses Basohli and Kangra paintings. This museum is a house of the original Pahari art and sculpture.

    History of Museum
    In year 1908, Bhuri Singh Museum was Officially started. The name of this museum is derived after the illustrious King Raja Bhuri,  ruler of Chamba. The king ruled the town from 1904 to 1919

    Bhuri Singh Museum Chamba
    Dalhousie Attraction - Bhuri Singh Museum Chamba

    About Museum
    In this Museum you can find the collection of Bhuri Singh’s paintings. Chamba rulers were great patrons of arts and culture so that this Museum has the collections of Guler-Kangra style Paintings. Main attraction of this museum is rare Sarda script that provides rare information about the medieval history of Chamba. Some main repositories are Sarahan, Devi-ri-kothi and Mul Kihar.

    Here you see the Basohli style paintings, which illustrates the Bhagwat Purana and Ramayana and Krishna, Sudama, Rukmini vivah and Usha-Anirudh and portraits in prime Guler-Kangra style. In this museum you see the collection of coins, hill jewelry and costumes- both traditional and royal, arms and armour, musical instruments and various decorative objects.

    Collection in Bhuri Singh Museum, Chamba
    Collection of Chamba Rumals
    Collection of carved fountain slabs
    19th century arms and ammunition
    19th century Bhagwat Puran Wall paintings
    Pahari Paintings from the Chamba School from the 18th and 19th centuries
    Country jewelry, old coins, and rare photographs
    Wood carvings from ancient Bharmour (6th to 9th century AD)

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