Tuesday, March 18.

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  • Attraction

    Nainital Attraction : Governor's House Nainital

    Governor's House building is old and beautiful and located in Nainital. It attract the tourist from all over the country.

    About Governor's House
    Governor's House or Raj Bhawan was served as a home for the Governor of North West Province, during the British times. But the present time it is an official residence of the Governor of Uttaranchal. In year 1899, Governor's House building was built. And the design of this building is Victorian Gothic style. Governor's House covered the 220 acres area and it was built in the line of Buckingham Palace London.

    Governor's House Nainital
    Governor's House Nainital
    Governor's House has a beautifully landscaped with golf course, swimming pool and an awesome garden. Raj Bhavan is an architectural marvel and adding to its beauty are the a swimming pool and a golf course, well manicured lawns, situated within the dwelling. Other  attractions of the Governor’s House are Munshi heights and Jhandidhar Modi.

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