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  • Attraction

    Shimla Attraction - Manorville Mansion

    Manorville Mansion is a heritage residence in Shimla where the leaders of the country such as Mahatma Gandhi,  Sardar Patel, Jawahar Lal Nehru and Maulana Azad had resided. But in present time it became a Guest House. It is a  mighty and magnificent monumental edifice.

    Shimla Attraction - Manorville Mansion

    Main Attraction
    Main attractyion of this Mansion is preserved room where Mahatma Gandhi stayed.

    Manorville Mansion is located near the University of Himachal Pradesh.

    About Manorville Mansion 
    Manorville Mansion was the property of India’s first women cabinet member and daughter of Raja Harnam Sing, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur.

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