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  • Attraction

    Manali Attraction - Manikaran

    Manikaran or Manikaran Gurudwara is a pilgrimage place for Hindu and located  Parvati Valley between the rivers Beas and Parvati in Kullu district  of Himachal Pradesh State. Manikaran is hot springs and piligrim centres. It is Well known for its Gurudwara and pretty temples. It is holy place for hindu and sikhs.

    Manali Attraction - Manikaran

    According some Hindu people believe that Saint Manu recreated human life in Manikaran after the flood, making it a sacred area. According to legend, when Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati went to Manikaran and stayed there for a long time. One day they walking in the valley at that time Parvati had lost of her one earrings. She informed her husband, but he too failed to find it. When Lord shiva not find the earrings then he opened his third eye performed the cosmic dance, the Tandava and shot the jewel up through the water.

    According to Sikhs Manikaran is that place where the first Guru, Guru Nanak, meditated during his journey around India.In Manikaran there is a hot spring also. Water of this spring is so hot that any body can prepare food in it. Some food is cook in this  hot spring in Langar. In Manikaran there is three baths, one of which is located under the Gurudwara itself.It believed that taking bath in this then people go to heaven.

     Manikaran Manali

    Temple to visit in Manikaran
    In Manikaran you can visit the  

    Temple of Sri Rama : In this temple is there is free food and accommodation facility available and there is 2 water tanks (kund) One for gents Name is "RAM Kund" and one for ladies and name is "Sita Kund".  In front of Rama temple, there is Hanuman temple.

    Temple of Lord Shiva : It is constructed recently.

    Temple of Naina Bhagawati 
    Raghunath Temple 
    Temple of Gharbha Gruham

    Gurudwara : It is a sacred place for Sikhs. In Gurudwara there is facility of Langar arround 500 visitor can enjoy the Langar.

    Visiting places around Manikaran
    Brahma Ganga Sangam and Rup Ganga: 
    Rupi Valley:
    Pulga and Barshaini

    Distances from Manali and Kullu
    Manikaran is 45 Kms from Kullu, 85 Kms from Manali

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