Monday, March 17.

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  • Attraction

    Kasauli Attraction : Gurkha Fort Parwanoo

    Gurkha Fort is an historical Fort that is situated in Subathu. Subathu is located just 16 km from Parwanoo.

     Kasauli Attraction : Gurkha Fort Parwanoo

    About Gurkha Fort  
    Gurkha Fort is located at small hillock in a remote area of the town that having a height of more than 4,500 ft above the sea level.Some people say that Gurkha Army Chief Amar Singh Thapa was built the Gurkha Fort. Another say that Gurkhas simply took over the fort, which was actually in possession of the King of Patiala.
    Ruins of the Gurkha fort can be still found in Subathu that is a contentment area.

    Gurkha Fort is connected to Parwanoo by National Highway 22.

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